Saturday, August 21, 2010

How big is your carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint.Image via Wikipedia
Do you know that one doesn't have to be a rabid green advocate to be able to contribute something to the preservation of Mother Earth? One just have to know the concept of what carbon footprint is.  It shows one's impact on the planet. Carbon footprint is what scientists call for the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to support human activities, whether directly or indirectly, and is expressed in tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide).  Greenhouses gases trap energy from the sun and prevent the trapped energy from escaping back to space.  As a result, surface temperatures rise and gave birth to the climate change/global warming phenomenon.  Carbon footprints are of two types – primary and secondary. When one drives his car or uses his appliances, carbon dioxide or other green house gases released directly affect the environment thus the primary carbon foot print. On the other hand, whenever one buys food and stuff, manufacturing and transporting these goods entail the use of electricity as well as vehicles that emit carbon dioxide.  This process 
releases greenhouse gases which are measured as secondary carbon foot print. Though 
you may not be directly releasing these gases, the indirect use of these products adds to the carbon foot print.

It is interesting to note that the average Filipino has a smaller carbon footprint compared to his First World counterpart.  This doesn't mean though that he is more environment-conscious than the Westerner rather his lifestyle is less energy dependent.  The most common appliances that can be found in a typical Filipino household are radio and TV.  These do not emit a significant amount of carbon emission.  Refrigerators on the other hand eat up a lot of energy as these have to be plugged in 24/7.  Air-conditioners, water heaters, flat irons and microwave ovens suck up tremendous amount of energy but these amenities are not yet staples in Filipino homes.

The challenge to all of us nowadays is to shrink the size of our carbon footprint.  How big is big?  Here is a link to a Carbon Footprint Calculator:  Sheer awareness of how big one's carbon footprint is the first step to effect a positive change.  It also pays to use resources (electricity, natural resources and water) wisely, support cleaner technologies, practice public transport and carpooling, and switching to renewable alternatives when available.  To cite an example,  there are already available renewable alternatives to petroleum-based fuels (biodiesel, ethanol) and lubricants (ester-based  lubricants).   Going green is not a fad, it is a commitment.  A commitment of love.  As the saying goes,  "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
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